Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Building Relationships vs. Building Projects

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008. I decided to volunteer with VSO because I am interested in learning more about development work. At times, I find myself questioning the very idea of western development and its influences. I was recently asked, “So what got you into development?” Surprisingly no one has directly asked me that question. It was strange hearing those words aloud. The imprinted image of a missionary holding a curriculum with a hidden agenda flashed through my mind. How did I get here? Am I really interested in development work? I am not certain. Although I have a strong compassion for others and the skill set to make a difference, I feel that I am more interested in learning about cultures and embracing a new way of life than I am of blindly imposing “improvements.” Does this make my reasons for volunteering less altruistic? I want to live in harmony with the land in a place where there is coexistence between humans and the earth. In Zambia, I was able to witness and have the privilege to live this life. A life where the community had an intimate relationship with the land. A life that was rich well beyond that of material wealth or technological sophistication. I have a great concern about the unknown effects western development will have on “developing” societies and their intimate connection with the natural world. Is there a way to provide aid without the abandonment of their cultural values and customs? In my humble opinion, I feel that we as a western culture have a lot to learn from people like the Zambians about building sustainable societies. I learned more from the people of Zambia than I could have ever hoped to have taught them. Most notably, I learned the importance of building relationships before building projects.

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