1. I moved into a 3 bedroom house across from the sea near the golf course.
2. I drove on the left side of the road--and didn't kill anyone.
3. I have a Dutch roommate who loves Dolly Parton. (love ya Marleen)
4. We are busy planning a huge event for National Disability Day on March 28th
5. My backup pair of glasses broke, now I try to make it thru the day with contacts.
6. I said goodbye to Kina Beach and the broken water pump and moldy mattress!
7. I learned how to make pineapple beer.
8. I gave a lecture at Divine Word University on Inclusive Education.
9. I am networking with the National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre.
10. I created an Inclusive Education brochure.
11. We are planning to give disability awareness in 25 schools in Madang District.
12. I try not to feel guilty that we now have a haus meri (cleaning lady)
13. I will be staying in PNG thru July 2010
14. The physiotherapist at the centre was charged with the sexual harassment of a female teacher and a blind male client attacked him with a screwdriver (he missed).
15. I chewed purple buai
16. I learned to make chairs from cardboard and newspaper.
17. I participated in a disability awareness in the village and I was able to understand most of the Pidgin language.
18. I attended Divine Word University Graduation to support my colleague Paul who is now among the 24 people in the Country who have a Bachelors in Special Education.
19. I discovered that chocolate macadamia coffee gets me out of bed in the mornings.
20. We now have 5 dogs (maybe more but I can't keep them straight), 2 chickens, and a cockatoo .
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