Friday, January 4, 2008

Acceptances and Clearances

After 4 months of anticipation I am off again on another adventure into the unknown. I have been asked if this was my life's motto. I confirm this with as much certainty as the unknown allows. Since my return I have been asked many questions, most originating from within. Life is a journey of self discovery. The experiences and people that comprise our lives allows us to reassess the self we thought we had once discovered. Reverse culture shock. Not only did I face challenges to readjust back into the western world, I was also faced with finding where my new self fit in a world that was once familiar and comforting.

Many opportunities blew like the wind in my direction. Some were like the lazy Charleston winds coming in from over the marsh. The winds that cooled your brow for a brief moment but left you wanting more. Some winds were strong and powerful like Middle Tennessee tornados in the spring. The winds that would pick you off your feet and lead you on an unknown, twisting path. How would I know when to set sail?When is it safe to take the plunge? To blow like a leaf in the wind? My question is When is it not? When is it okay to accept that life is unknown? Is it while you are waiting for a sign or a significant event that will light your path? Maybe it's while you are pushing yourself towards your ultimate dream that you've told yourself you must reach out for? Or is it in the days, weeks, months that quickly pass? When is it okay to accept the opportunity that has presented itself to you? When is it okay to give yourself clearance? My question is When is it not?

These opportunities that have touched my life in the recent months have helped me to grown as a person. They have allowed for thought about my past decisions, my present conditions and my future ambitions. For certain there were times of doubt, of questioning ideals and beliefs I felt strongly regarding, and of uncertainty. In the end; however, I walked away a stronger, more enriched person. I recognize the path that leads to my ultimate fulfillment. For these reasons, I was able ebmbrace my acceptance of the unknown.

I accepted the offer presented to me from Callan National Unit and VSO, Voluntary Services Overseas. Yet again I am faced with the unknown, with additional acceptances and clearances. My placement offer is to work as an Inclusive Education Specialist in Papua New Guinea(PNG). I would be working for Callan National Unit (CNU), PNG's largest disbaility non-profit organization, with the National Department of Education. Although VSO has matched my skills to the position offered, I continue to wait employer acceptance. In the meantime, I am completing medical, dental, and legal clearances. Due to the fact that PNG's visa process is long and complicated, my initial arrival date of February 10, 2008 will be delayed. That is if I receive acceptance from my employer CNU. My days are now filled with passport photos for work visas, doctor appointments, police fingerprinting, and scanning, faxing, and emailing documents to Andrea at the VSO office in Ottawa Canada. Once again I have confirmed my life's motto of the unknown and that certainty remains uncertain.

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